Sandhya Dave

Story Number:Story-57

And the message for woman here you know, just unite and work together. Woman are so powerful when we are… that’s why you find, you know um… a lot of um misogynist men uh put a lot of uh energy and even money and use violence to… to… to kind of, you know, silence woman because they are scared of woman. I’ll… I’ll tell you one story. In Libya in 2005, Gaddafi uh stopped paying uh teachers their wages, their monthly pay wages for six months. The majority of people who work in teaching are woman in Libya. So what they did… Gaddafi in 2005 he was still very powerful, very very brutal, very well known of his brutality. They walked to his um… centre where he lived his… his…um…an area, an area called Bab al-Azizia. They walked in their like… hundreds or even thousands and they said ‘we sit in here until you pay us, we’re not going to move anywhere’. They forced him, the… the fear of the hunger of their children overcome their fear of Gaddafi’s brutality and they thought that ‘shit our children are hungry nothing scare us more than that’. And they forced him to pay them. So that’s what woman do, woman are really powerful. The Libyan uh…uh revolution started by woman. Woman stood in February 15 2011 in front of the court in Benghazi and they shouted to change Gaddafi’s rule. That’s what happen, woman started. The same in Egypt, woman started the revolution, so you are so powerful. Don’t be afraid.


For more information about Sandhya’s work, see

Recorded: 5th February 2021 by Neomi Alam