Thank you’s

Image by Gillian Taylor

Some thank you’s we need to say:

Massive thanks to the following people who have helped us along the way: Fin Irwin from IntoBodmin, Becca Hulbert, Sally Crooks, Melissa Hardie of the Hypatia Trust, Saskia Portway, Hannah Kamen, Lucienne Boyce, Nadine Rennie CDG, Charlie Parker, Sarah Pym, Philip Butterworth & Paul Goddard from Arts Council England South West, Becca Gill & Dartington Live, Julia Neville, Dr Jana Funke, Ros Ball (GEO), Mari Takayanagyi & Melanie Unwin from Vote 100 at Parliamentary Archives, DRCSAS, Maggie Parks & WRSAC, Jane Duffus from Bristol Women’s Voice, Sarah Hemingway, Melissa Barnett from Chippenham Musuem, Claire Dixon, Anne Locke, Pip Sutcliffe, Tomas Williams from PEO, Topos, Devon WASPI women for promotion, Lena Muller, all the venues & organisations who are working with us behind the scenes (there are too many to name here), Patrick Cunningham, Exeter Phoenix & all its staff who continue to support us.

Another big thank you to the following funders who have supported this work:

Arts Council England National & South West, The Foyle Foundation, Exeter City Council, Fawcett Devon, Elmgrant Trust, Ronald Duncan Foundation, Heritage Lottery Fund, Awards for All & everyone who supported our RSA Crowdfunder campaign.

To anyone we have forgotten to name but who has played a part in making The Cause possible – thank you!