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Penny Avant

Penny Avant

Transcript forthcoming. Record on 07.01.2019 by Carmen Talbot.

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Diana Derioz

Diana Derioz

Transcript forthcoming

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Sarah Scaife

Sarah Scaife

I was aware of feminism from being- dunno thirteen fourteen and I I identified myself as a feminist from then and when I was seventeen I went to Greenham Common on the um embrace the base d- day when there

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Transcript forthcoming

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Dr. Linda Thomas

Dr. Linda Thomas

So um with the ocean waste dresses, it kind of [laughs] a bit evolved by accident. So I was, um, uh, already um making upcycled clothing. Um, and then I just happened to see this photo to — showing uh

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Nicci Wonnacott

Nicci Wonnacott

I was at art college and I thought I would come out painting Devon landscapes [laughs], was my pre-conceived idea of being an art student, and actually I came out as a performance artist interested in art action so art

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Catherine Cartwright

Catherine Cartwright

In 2013, 2014 I was an artist in residence at, um, Exeter’s Women’s Refuge over five months. I wasn’t really (clears throat) sure what I was doing but what I wanted – my aim was to find out more about

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