Mmm – yes, I’m founding member of – em – Mebyon Kernow, but I’m also – I was the first woman Grand Bard of Cornwall [tut] so that – that was quite a – er – flag for freedom [laughs]…
Mmm – yes, I’m founding member of – em – Mebyon Kernow, but I’m also – I was the first woman Grand Bard of Cornwall [tut] so that – that was quite a – er – flag for freedom [laughs]…
Transcript by Jayde Stevenson I’ve never slowed down from earliest days and I’m now 79. People are forever remarking that they don’t know how I do everything I do. I’ve never looked upon it as being particularly social activism. In…
I said to Dora as we were doing meals on wheels that there was an Amnesty group, I would join it in Penzance. And she said: “why don’t you start one?” I said “well, I’m dyslexic and I can’t write…
Transcript by Jayde Stevenson This particular event, uh it was… uh 1979 and I was president of one of the local branches of the inner London NUT (National Union of Teachers). I’d set up a working party for devising strategies…
Transcript by Jayde Stevenson Since I’ve been working with singing, I’ve had the good fortune to train for Singing for the Brain for people living with, um dementia, and their carers. And then after a few years based on that,…
Transcript by Jayde Stevenson Since I was about 19, I guess, I was playing Cornish music, um, on my clarinet and also singing. Umm… and then I met Sal- how many years ago? Oh, twenty something… yeah 20 years ago…