Blog Archives

Ann Trevenen Jenkin

Ann Trevenen Jenkin

Mmm – yes, I’m founding member of – em – Mebyon Kernow, but I’m also – I was the first woman Grand Bard of Cornwall [tut] so that – that was quite a – er – flag for freedom [laughs]

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Melissa Hardie

Melissa Hardie

Transcript forthcoming

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Ruth Stedman

Candle Image

I said to Dora as we were doing meals on wheels that there was an Amnesty group, I would join it in Penzance. And she said: “why don’t you start one?” I said “well, I’m dyslexic and I can’t write

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Diana Wayne

Diana Wayne

Transcript forthcoming

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Pip Wright

A Breathing Space logo

Transcript forthcoming.

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Hilary Coleman and Sally Burley

Hilary Coleman and Sally Burley

Transcript forthcoming

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