Blog Archives

Sam Sleeman

Sophie Sleeman

I was really inspired by Greta Thunberg the Swedish activist and I was wondering why… you know why isn’t this happening in the UK? And then… kind of that converged with me, I was on Facebook… and social media has

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Natasha Pavey

Fridays 4 Future Exeter Logo

Recorded 05.06.19 by Carmen Talbot. Transcript by Jayde Stevenson I’ve kind of, always wanted to do, kind of, more… and, kind of like… cos I thought I’ve always been quite like a… I don’t know, like passionate person I guess

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Zion Lights

Zion Lights

Recorded 08.05.2019 by Carmen Talbot. Transcript by Jayde Stevenson It was kind of a few days before London I just thought I’ve gotta go, this is really important and it’s gonna be big and I knew, you know, there’s a

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Anne-Marie Culhane

Anne-Marie Culhane

Um, so I feel that activism permeates a lot of the work that I do. Um. Because what I’m exploring in my practice, um – which I frame in different ways as artist, as community activist, as community worker and

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