Blog Archives

Sam Sleeman

Sophie Sleeman

I was really inspired by Greta Thunberg the Swedish activist and I was wondering why… you know why isn’t this happening in the UK? And then… kind of that converged with me, I was on Facebook… and social media has

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Ann Trevenen Jenkin

Ann Trevenen Jenkin

Mmm – yes, I’m founding member of – em – Mebyon Kernow, but I’m also – I was the first woman Grand Bard of Cornwall [tut] so that – that was quite a – er – flag for freedom [laughs]

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Moira Macdonald

Moira Macdonald 1980's and 1990's feminist badges - Exeter

Transcript forthcoming.   Recorded on 20.05.2019 by Carmen Talbot.

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Rose Gander

Rose Gander

Transcript forthcoming.   Recorded 07.01.2019

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Zion Lights

Zion Lights

Transcript forthcoming.   Recorded 08.05.2019 by Carmen Talbot.

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Cllr. Tia Roos

Cllr. Tia Roos

Being a Labour councillor for me was, um,– there were two defining moments for me in deciding to take politics up, um, which I think is a really hard area for women to get into. It’s where women need to

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Jenni Kerswell-Frost

Jenni Kerswell-Frost

Transcript forthcoming

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Dr. Sarah Wollaston

Dr. Sarah Wollaston

Transcript forthcoming.

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Cllr. Desna Allen

Cllr. Desna Allen

Transcript forthcoming.

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Janet Haley

Janet Haley WASPI

Transcript forthcoming

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Anne-Marie Culhane

Anne-Marie Culhane

Um, so I feel that activism permeates a lot of the work that I do. Um. Because what I’m exploring in my practice, um – which I frame in different ways as artist, as community activist, as community worker and

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Carol – WASPI

WASPI logo

Hi I’m Carol and I’m the Devon – one of the Devon – coordinators for, um, Devon WASPI supporters’ group. We support the WASPI campaign. WASPI stands for Women Against State Pension Inequality. It was formed, I think about three

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