Blog Archives

Sam Sleeman

Sophie Sleeman

I was really inspired by Greta Thunberg the Swedish activist and I was wondering why… you know why isn’t this happening in the UK? And then… kind of that converged with me, I was on Facebook… and social media has

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Jenny Lloyd

Jenny Lloyd

‘We were very embedded in Exeter Labour Party and there were obviously these big national rallies, so we went up and then Kate… Becca was in a pushchair. When I was in the Labour party, I organised… I was a

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Moira Macdonald

Moira Macdonald 1980's and 1990's feminist badges - Exeter

Transcript forthcoming.   Recorded on 20.05.2019 by Carmen Talbot.

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Rose Gander

Rose Gander

Transcript forthcoming.   Recorded 07.01.2019

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Penny Avant

Penny Avant

Transcript forthcoming. Record on 07.01.2019 by Carmen Talbot.

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Zion Lights

Zion Lights

Transcript forthcoming.   Recorded 08.05.2019 by Carmen Talbot.

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Diana Derioz

Diana Derioz

Transcript forthcoming

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Rosemary Schonfeld

Rosemary Schonfeld SouthWest for Europe Rally Bristol 14.10.17

Transcript forthcoming Recorded by Carmen Talbot on 24.10.2018

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Rosemarie Cawson

Rosemarie Cawson Greenham Common headband

So I have now ended up in a care home and I’m very old, but I remember, and we have just worked out how old I was when I attended Greenham (Greenham Common), well visited Greenham and I was a

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Fiona Green

Fiona Green image of Ursula from newspaper climbing silo

Transcript forthcoming

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Alison Williams

Alison Williams poster

Transcript forthcoming.

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Melissa Hardie

Melissa Hardie

Transcript forthcoming

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Jenni Kerswell-Frost

Jenni Kerswell-Frost

Transcript forthcoming

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Pip Wright

A Breathing Space logo

Transcript forthcoming.

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Alison Meaton

Alison Meaton

Transcript forthcoming

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Dr. Sarah Wollaston

Dr. Sarah Wollaston

Transcript forthcoming.

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Avril Silk

Avril Silk Just Women Magazine

Transcript forthcoming.

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Cllr. Desna Allen

Cllr. Desna Allen

Transcript forthcoming.

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Janet Haley

Janet Haley WASPI

Transcript forthcoming

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Alix Harris

Alix Harris

When I started working with the Barbican Theatre, um, we — I was involved in quite a lot of projects which were around social, social justice. I’m very responsive so I feel like I create work, create theatre pieces, that’s

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Maddie Harris

Humans for Rights Network logo

Transcript forthcoming

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Anon 2

Rebellious Sounds Archive Logo

I don’t think activism came into my life until probably [pause, sighs] 2010 or beyond, so over the last eight years. Um, I’d, fled a very abusive – relationship. I say very, it wasn’t physical. Um – apart from the

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Nicci Wonnacott

Nicci Wonnacott

I was at art college and I thought I would come out painting Devon landscapes [laughs], was my pre-conceived idea of being an art student, and actually I came out as a performance artist interested in art action so art

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Linda Regan MBE

Linda Regan MBE

I think I would say that I’ve been involved in some form of activism since I was 16/17 years of age which is a long time ago now as I’m just about to hit 65 and I would say that

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