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Penny Avant

Penny Avant

Record on 07.01.2019 by Carmen Talbot. Transcript by Jayde Stevenson Um my daughter – I’ve got three daughters and two of them have been really active with refugees, um actually going to north France and building things and shelters and

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Angie Whitehead

Angie Whitehead

Recorded 12.10.2018 by Carmen Talbot Transcript by Jayde Stevenson I first went out to northern France in 2000… September 2015 to Calais, umm… and then within the end… the beginning of October I visited the camp at Dunkirk, umm… and…

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Maddie Harris

Humans for Rights Network logo

Transcript forthcoming

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Jessie Seal

Jessie Seal on Iuventa (25 di 81)

So I guess I do find the, like, term ‘activist’ quite difficult, because I think it conjures up an image of doing really difficult physical stuff all of the time that’s quite extreme. And sometimes I don’t feel like that.

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