

At Dreadnought HQ we've been talking and thinking a lot about how we might mark the significance of women's contribution to activism across the South West.  As this is a beginning for us with Rebellious Sounds, we decided to invite Bristol based Historian and Writer Luciennce Boyce to see what she might find around Bristol and Bath.  

Luciennne has already successfully shared, written about, and championed voices from the Women's Suffrage campaign through her work.  Notably through her Suffragette Walk, and so it made sense to us to see if a wider mapping could start to take place, start to take shape.  This is exciting for us as it's not the first time walking has been instrumental in our thinking.  Hopefully it won't be the last. 

We are working towards there being a series of heritage walks annually as a way of continuing to celebrate the Great 1913 Women’s Suffrage Pilgrimage.  A group have been walking annually from Land’s End on the 19th of June to commemorate the beginning of the pilgrimage in Cornwall.  The next walk we are working towards commemorating will be the leg from Starcross over to Exmouth and into Topsham.  

If you have any thoughts about future walks to celebrate the pilgrimage in your area please do get in touch on: info@dreadnoughtsw@gmail.com
